Top 12 Manifestation Books to Read in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide

manifestation books

Looking for inspiration to manifest your goals and healing? I’m sharing a list of 12 of the most insightful manifestation books that I have read that will hopefully inspire you too. Manifestation is the process of aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desires to bring them to fruition and it can be a very powerful practice. If you are new to the concept of manifestation or an expert “manifestor”, these books offer practical tips, exercises, and insight to help you tap into the power of the universe and uncover your goals.

Each book offers unique perspectives aimed at helping you create and shift the changes you desire in your life. Are you curious about the law of attraction or visualization techniques? These books might hold the answers you are looking for. So, find a comfy spot to read and relax, or download and listen on your daily walk like me, and prepare to be inspired by my list of top manifestation books to read in 2023.

How did these books get selected?

Each written by experts in their respective fields, any of these books will help you uncover something new about yourself, grow awareness, and manifest something big in your life. I know that personal development books can be hard to digest sometimes and that is why I carefully curated this list of reads that I have found useful during my healing journey ­– the material made a difference in my own life.

When I was at my sickest, I used visualization techniques to manifest healing in my life. Seeing was believing for me then, especially when I could barely leave my house. This powerful technique helped me regain aspects of my self-confidence and was truly the beginning of my journey. For this reason, I believe in the power of manifestation and it is why I am sharing these books with you.

I also wanted to choose books that have resonated with other readers. I do not want you wasting precious time on books that aren’t helpful, especially when you could be applying the content to your life and seeing progress.

The 12 Top Picks Manifestation Books

I’ve compiled a list of the top 12 manifestation books to read in 2023. These books cover a range of topics – health, growth, and positive change.

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life by Roxie Nafousi

This book seems to be all over my social media feed right now so I had to read it for myself. “Manifest” is a quick read and a good beginners guide to manifestation. It lays out 7 easy steps to get you started and I think when beginning any new practice, you need simple – this is simple friends. Roxie discusses challenges she faced in her life and how she overcame them and transformed her life with the process in this practical guide. It had me re-evaluating my own vibes!

Book cover of You Can Heal Your Life 

You Can Heal Your Life by Louisa Hay

If you are manifesting good health and overall healing this book is for you. I loved how this book outlines specific health ailments and their connections to our thoughts and feelings. Louisa shares that by changing your beliefs you can manifest your own healing. This is a book I go back to all the time! I have given it as gifts and share it constantly with friends – including you.

Book Cover of the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

First published in 1963, though new to me, this best-selling self-help book has been revised over the years to reveal more about the great power that lives within each of us. I found this book to be another great easy read offering simple techniques to help you shift your energy and improve your relationships, your finances and overall well-being. Considered a classic among many who practice manifestation, I give it 5 stars!

Book Cover Make it Happen

Make It Happen by Jordanna Levi

Jordanna shares her experience in manifesting both good and bad in her life. This resonated with me because I have had this experience in my own life too. This manifestation guide offers practical and easy ways to turn your mindset towards positive outcomes and inspire change in all aspects of your life.

Book Cover Good Vibes, Good Life

Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King

Are you searching for lasting happiness? Then this is your book! Filled with inspiring quotes and wisdom, Vex shares how he turned his challenges into a purpose filled life. Focused on self-care, positive lifestyle habits, overcoming fear and manifesting goals, this book is brilliant. I always love reading a book from the perspective of someone like Vex, who survived extremely difficult circumstances and came out the other side to thrive. “Good Vibes, Good Life” is the ultimate guide to manifesting a beautiful life!

Book Cover Super Attractor

Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

Are you new to practicing the law of attraction? This book uncovers simple ways to harness your own power and attract positive change. If you are a spiritual person searching for ways the universe supports you and your goals then this book is for you.

Book Cover The Choice

The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger

Dr. Eger, a holocaust survivor, and psychologist, shares her story of overcoming her trauma and treating survivors throughout her career. This book is one of my favorites! Dr. Eger shares an honest account of her life as a survivor – it is heart-wrenching and beautiful at the same time. She also discusses treating survivors and how it has influenced her beliefs about healing. I personally loved Dr. Eger’s lesson in leaning into your innate gifts to harness growth especially when life gets hard. You will be changed after reading this book.

Book Cover The Gift

The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life by Dr. Edith Eva Eger

Her follow-up to “The Choice”, Dr. Edith Eger shares 12 lessons we can learn from our challenges and how to embrace them into our lives. Manifesting greatness is made easier when you heal from your hardships first. This book gave me great insight in how to turn my own trauma into a gift in my life so I could begin to look past it towards a brighter future.

Book Cover Wake Up Grateful

Wake Up Grateful by Kristi Nelson

Do you wake-up feeling grateful every day? Written by my friend Kristi, whose infectious energy continues to inspire me, this book is one I go back to frequently for guidance. Kristi shares the practice of gratefulness and how transformative it is in every single aspect of your life. There are too many takeaways to mention just one here – simply, I was left grateful for the wisdom Kristi shared in this beautiful book.

Book Cover I've Been Thinking...

I’ve Been Thinking…Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life by Maria Shriver

It is easy, with all the negative news and collective social trauma we are experiencing, to feel lost and uninspired. In this book, New York Times bestselling author, Maria Shriver shares inspiring quotes, reflections, and prayers for manifesting change in your life. If you are searching for meaning and joy, this book is for you!

Book Cover Big Magic

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Melissa Gilbert

Are you focused on manifesting a creative life? Curious and searching but also have no idea how to tap into these gifts? Melissa Gilbert offers this impactful book and inspires readers to leave fear behind to focus on creativity. I have read this book twice and each time I learn something new and feel re-inspired to continue my work here.

Book Cover On Our Best Behavior

On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to be Good by Elise Loehnen

I believe manifesting change begins when you can recognize the beliefs and habits that are holding you back. This book offers a historical look at how the seven deadly sins have shaped the way women live and limit their potential. Reading this book gave me the chance to evaluate ways that my own self-beliefs have been limited and offered me the opportunity to find a path forward.

What is the best book on manifesting: My 2 picks

I want to take a closer look at two of my favorites from the list of manifestation books I have just shared with you. Each of these books offer unique perspectives on the power of manifestation and include easy actionable steps to manifest your greatest desires – they also made a significant difference in my life and healing these last ten years.

One book that stood out to me was “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy. This book examines the idea that our subconscious mind has the power to shape our reality. Murphy provides readers with techniques to tap into their subconscious and manifest their desires. I particularly appreciated his emphasis on the importance of positive affirmations and visualization.

I read this book early on in my healing journey with PTSD. I was newly diagnosed and really struggling with what my future looked like. I was barely engaging with the world outside of my home. My confidence was shot and my ability to fulfill basic duties for my young family like grocery shopping was non-existent. I was starting to figure out that my reality was reflecting my thoughts and fears.

I read this book and began to visualize what my life would look like if I were healed and living alongside PTSD. This book helped me form very basic visual ideas about what that might look like and from there, little by little, I was able to reclaim parts of my life that had been fractured.

“The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger also helped propel me forward in many ways. Dr. Eger survived unimaginable suffering and turned her pain into purpose as she began helping others heal. I will forever carry the lesson she shares about tapping in to the gifts you were born with to help you through difficulties. I use this technique daily and share it with others, especially my kids, when they are going through challenges.

Overall, both books offer valuable insights and techniques for readers looking to harness the power of manifestation and healing. I highly recommend checking them out and incorporating their teachings into your daily life and soon you feel some changes.

Final Thoughts

When we dive into any new practice it is normal to feel overwhelmed, and unsure of where to start. That is why many of the books I chose to share with you offer simple steps to get you started. Manifesting is a positive practice to add to your life and it should not weigh you down or confuse you.

I am certain the aforementioned books will help you to; gain a deeper understanding of manifestation, learn new strategies about developing a positive mindset, find inspiration and improve your well-being. And if a concept or idea presented in the content does not align with your own beliefs, then it’s safe to move forward and leave the idea behind. This is a personal journey – you should not feel pushed into a process that does not feel natural for you.

I want you to find insight, guidance, and inspiration in each book just like I have.

If it’s hard to find the time to sit down with a physical book then download them and listen while you drive, take a sunny walk, wash dishes, or fold laundry and I think you’ll learn that inspiration can be found anywhere – even while matching up your socks! Using your spare time to manifest change and positivity in your life will not just be felt in the remaining days of 2023 but for many more years and hopefully, your lifetime to come.

Happy reading!

Manifestation Books

Elena Breese

Elena is a Boston Marathon bombing survivor and lives with post-traumatic stress disorder. Through her website, Still Blooming Me, Elena shares how she learned to embrace her trauma and mental challenges, advocate for herself, and grow from her experience. She is passionate about bringing awareness about PTSD and sharing resources that have helped her heal. Elena has contributed to various blogs, podcasts, and speaks publicly.

Elena is a dedicated wife and mother. Her family lives in Phoenix, Arizona.


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