The Importance of Kindness: 10 Reasons Why it Matters

importance of kindness

Do you ever stop to consider how kind you are being to people around you in your daily life? In texts, casual interactions in line for your daily coffee, in the drop-off line at school, or even how kind you are to yourself? The importance of kindness in your life, in your workplace, and in the greater world around you is vital to your health and well-being.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the simple act of being kind to one another. Taking an extra moment to show kindness can make a significant difference in someone’s day and it also helps you build awareness and mindfulness. Kindness has the power to uplift spirits, strengthen relationships, and create a chain reaction of positivity in the lives of those who experience it.

It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. A kind word or compliment, offering a listening ear, or even a smile can foster a sense of connection and belonging. Kindness, in all its forms, plays an essential role in building trust, respect, and understanding among people from all walks of life.

Approaching life with kindness, not only improves the lives of those around you, but it also enhances your own well-being and sense of purpose. Cultivating a lifestyle centered on compassion and empathy for others, and yourself, is an essential element of personal growth and development.

What is Kindness?

Kindness is the act of showing compassion, empathy, and warmth towards others. It’s about treating people, animals, and even the environment with respect and understanding. I also want to add that kindness is something you can show yourself. Being kind to your mind with positive self-talk, being kind to your body in how you listen to your body and what you put in it, and being kind to yourself especially when you are struggling mentally, physically and emotionally is all equally as importance as it is to be kind to others.

Kindness can manifest in many ways, such as:

  • Listening to someone’s troubles and offering support
  • Volunteering your time to help others in need
  • Sharing a smile, compliment, or word of encouragement
  • Offering to help carry someone’s heavy groceries or hold the door for them
  • Including everyone and making them feel welcome

The point here is that showing kindness can be small and I think it’s these small acts that sometimes mean the most. These small nuggets of kindness can show someone that they are seen and valued.

Psychology Behind Kindness and its role in society

According to this article titled The Art of Kindness by Steve Siegle, PsyD., L.P.C., published by the Mayo Clinic, kindness is good for the body because it “can increase your sense of connectivity to others, decrease loneliness, combat low mood, and improve relationships.” The psychology behind kindness is based on the understanding that humans are social beings who thrive in supportive and cooperative environments. Acts of kindness can benefit both the giver and the receiver in numerous ways:

Happiness: Research shows that performing acts of kindness can lead to increased happiness levels in both the giver and the receiver. Helping others can release endorphins, creating a “feel-good” sensation.

Reduced Stress: According to the aforementioned article, kindness has been shown to decrease the stress hormone, cortisol, in those who practice it regularly and it’s also shown to lower blood pressure.

Stronger Relationships: When you show kindness to others, it can improve your relationships by fostering trust, understanding, and a sense of belonging.

Kindness plays a crucial role in society by not only fostering individual well-being but also creating a supportive, inclusive environment where everyone can flourish. By treating others with kindness and respect, you contribute to a world where people feel valued and appreciated.

Reason 1: Kindness improves mental well-being

Giving and receiving acts of kindness can positively impact your mental well-being, your sense of purpose, and increase your overall happiness. In fact, many studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between kindness and elevated positive emotions.

Steve Siegle, PsyD. and L.P.C., additionally shares that showing and receiving kindness produces “feel good and pain-killing” neurotransmitters and endorphins to spike in the brain, allowing you to feel a sense of satisfaction and well-being. This effect has been coined as the “helper’s high” effect. This so-called “helper’s high” gives you a sense of joy and fulfillment, boosting your mood and reducing anxiety.

Researchers have also established other benefits of kindness, such as:

Decreased stress: Participating in acts of kindness can contribute to reducing stress levels in your daily life.

Enhanced social connections: Being kind to others naturally strengthens relationships and encourages positive, supportive interactions, fostering a sense of belonging.

Increased self-esteem: By showing kindness to others, you are likely to experience a boost in your self-confidence and overall self-worth.

The importance of kindness towards others helps our mental well-being and the value of kindness also expressed towards ourselves is immeasurable. We live in a world that values perfection and that makes it hard to speak to ourselves kindly, treat our bodies with love, and embrace our shortcomings with grace. I am a firm believer that you must love yourself before you can love someone else and that rings true for kindness. If you can show yourself kindness, how will you express it fully to those around you?

Be kind to yourself first friends.

Reason 2: It Reduces Stress and Anxiety

When you practice acts of kindness, your body releases endorphins – the “feel-good” hormones. These aid in decreasing stress levels and creating a sense of calm. In addition, showing kindness can lessen feelings of anxiety. Here are some examples of how you can alleviate stress and anxiety through kindness:

  • Offer a compliment – Praise can make someone’s day, and it brings joy to both the giver and the receiver.
  • Lend a listening ear – Sometimes, all someone needs is a little empathy and understanding to feel better.
  • Volunteer your time – Helping others in need is a great way to build connections and boost your own morale.

Moreover, here’s a simple checklist to help you practice kindness daily:

  1. Smile – A smile can brighten someone’s day and your own.
  2. Say “Thank you” – Gratitude is a powerful tool that can create a sense of happiness.
  3. Perform a small act of kindness –  These are free! Holding the door for someone, returning their shopping cart for them, or giving up your seat on the commute home, these gestures matter.

As you become more conscious of your actions, you will find that kindness not only alleviates stress and anxiety but also fosters a sense of community with those around you.

Reason 3: Kindness enhances self-esteem and happiness

importance of kindness

Being kind to others doesn’t just benefit the recipient, but it can have a positive impact on your own self-esteem and happiness as well. When you engage in acts of kindness, you are likely to feel good about yourself, as you’ve done something that positively affects someone else’s life.

One way kindness contributes to increased self-esteem is by fostering a sense of connection with others. Building strong connections with others is essential for maintaining a happy and fulfilling life. When you are kind to others, you are more likely to receive kindness in return, which creates a cycle of positive interactions and relationships. This, in turn, boosts your self-esteem, as you feel valued and appreciated by others.

As I’ve mentioned, being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. Practicing self-kindness through self-compassion and self-care promotes a healthier mindset and an overall happier life. Consider small acts of kindness for yourself! I especially love a long walk in the sun, a warm bath after a long stressful day, listening to music I love, journaling when I need support, or even giving myself a pedicure at home. If your budget allows then buy yourself some flowers, indulge in your favorite take-out meal, or enjoy a spa day. Being kind to your body and mind is fundamental!

Reason 4: It strengthens relationships

Kindness is the glue that holds relationships together. You wouldn’t be friends with someone who wasn’t kind to you, right? When you show kindness to others, you create strong connections that go beyond trivial differences. By practicing kindness, you create an environment that fosters healthy and long-lasting relationships.

Let’s explore how kindness can improve relationships in different aspects of your life:

Friendships: If you aren’t kind to your friends, do you have friends? Kindness creates trust and loyalty. If you’re a supportive friends and lend a helping hand or a listening ear,  your friends will feel valued and appreciated and it will strengthen your bond in return.

Family: Demonstrating kindness to family members can bring you closer and promote harmony in your home. Small acts of kindness contribute to an environment where everyone feels supported and loved.

Workplace: A kind work environment is one where ideas flow freely and everyone feels appreciated. Your acts of kindness can inspire others to do the same, improving teamwork and increasing productivity.

  • Compliment someone: Notice the effort someone put into a project, or how nice they look today.
  • Listen actively: Give your full attention to another person, and  try to understand their thoughts and feelings.
  • Offer assistance: Help with a task, or provide support when someone is struggling.

Remember, kindness is a two-way street, and the benefits of strong relationships go both ways. I think you’ll notice that when your connections are strong, your network of people will uplift, support, and inspire you.

Reason 5: Kindness fosters empathy and understanding

Kindness is not just a simple act of goodwill; it has a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. One of the most significant effects of kindness is its ability to foster empathy and mutual understanding.

Even small acts of kindness create a positive atmosphere that encourages people to put themselves in the shoes of others. When you show kindness with a small act, you actively promote the development of empathy within your community.

When people feel understood, they show more kindness towards others. For example, if a colleague is going through a difficult time at home and you take a moment during your lunch break to ask how they are doing. This simple act of kindness can create a sense of relief for your colleague, making them more likely to empathize with others experiencing similar struggles. If we make the effort and take the time to consider what other people are experiencing then we become more aware and compassionate towards others.

Here are some ways in which kindness leads to empathy and understanding:

Building connections: Kindness helps create and strengthen relationships and being considerate of others nurtures emotional bonds.

Humanizing others: Through acts of kindness, we see others equals with their own challenges and emotions, promoting a greater understanding of different perspectives.

Cultivating gratitude: As we experience kindness from others, we recognize and can be more thankful for the compassion we receive. This in turn creates a cycle of giving and receiving kindness and empathy.

Kindness impacts not just individual interactions, but the overall environment as well. By being kind, you set a positive example for those around you and foster a culture of empathy and understanding. The more people experience kindness, the more likely they are to appreciate its importance and spread it to others

Reason 6: Kindness resolves conflicts and promotes cooperation

Kindness is like a magic potion in conflict resolution. When you genuinely express kindness towards others, it creates an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. This environment paves the way for open dialogue, effective listening, and better communication.

As you may have experienced and witnessed, especially in our political and geo-political landscape, conflicts often arise from misunderstandings or miscommunications. This is an opportunity for us all. Kindness plays a crucial role in dissolving the barriers and promoting active listening. It enables you to:

  • Understand different perspectives
  • Find common ground
  • Create win-win situations

I can only imagine what our world, and who are leaders would be, if we first approached each other with kindness and understanding. We would be so lucky if our world valued kindness above power. There would be less trauma, terrorism, war, and pain if kindness was everyone’s priority.

You can be a solution to this problem because kindness is contagious! As you practice it, you’ll inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect in various settings.

Reason 7: Kindness contributes to personal growth

importance of kindness

Can you recall the last time you showed kindness to a stranger? Maybe held the door for them or gave up your seat on the bus for them? These small acts of kindness not only positively impacted the life of that lucky person, they also contributed to your own personal growth.

Maybe you didn’t realize it at the time, but these small yet powerful acts of kindness allowed you to develop empathy and compassion. When you put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel their pain or joy or consider their needs, you deepen your understanding of the world around you. This in turn shapes and refines your character.

Here are some ways kindness can contribute to personal growth:

Developing empathy: By helping others, you learn to see the world from their perspective and recognize their needs.

Building connections: Bonding with others through kindness creates lasting relationships and strengthens your social circle.

Cultivating gratitude: Recognizing the kindness of others and showing appreciation can instill a sense of gratitude in your own life.

Improving self-esteem: Taking part in acts of kindness can boost your confidence and self-worth.

Recently my kids and I started volunteering monthly at a non-profit in our community serving hungry families. Initially we started this project for my daughter to earn service hours for school but we ended up falling in love with the families there and the volunteers and we’ve continued to serve even once her hours were filled. My son befriended one of the employees there, Joe, and he and Joe wash dishes for hours together. My daughter loves serving food and helping the school aged children with their homework once they’ve eaten. It’s been a great experience to serve together and watching my children extend themselves with kindness to others warms my heart. I’ve watched them grow so much too!

Together, we have seen the value and importance of kindness in our own community. It’s truly powerful! The more you practice kindness, the more you’ll see yourself grow as a person.

Reason 8: Kindness has a Ripple Effect

Kindness can inspires a chain reaction of positivity. When you perform an act of kindness, you might not realize the impact it can have on someone else. Your simple gesture might encourage them to pass it on, creating a ripple effect that can extend far beyond your initial act.

Chain reaction of kindness: When you hold the door for someone, for example, that person might be inspired to help a coworker with a difficult task, and then maybe that coworker decides to pay for a stranger’s coffee. It’s amazing how one seemingly small action can lead to many others.

I see this chain reaction of kindness happen all the time when I am in the drive-thru at Starbucks. When one person decides to pay for the car behind them and then that person continues the gesture of kindness and on and on. It’s a really simple and sweet way to show kindness to a stranger and I’ve been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of this very act before – and I continued the kindness too!

Reason 9: Kindness has a positive impact in the workplace

importance of kindness

When you show kindness in the workplace, it can create a more positive environment for everyone. Not only does it make your coworkers feel valued, but it can also lead to increased productivity and reduced stress levels.

Increased productivity: A study by the Harvard Business Review found that when employees were treated with kindness, they often performed better. It turns out that a simple act of kindness can boost workplace morale and inspire people to work harder, leading to a more efficient workplace. In fact, organizations with a strong culture of kindness can see up to a 20% increase in productivity compared to those that lack a supportive atmosphere.

Reduces stress

Work-related stress has become a serious issue in the modern age and can lead to burnout, illness, or even job loss. One way to alleviate workplace stress is by fostering a culture of kindness. When you offer support, understanding, and help to your colleagues, it can reduce levels of anxiety and depression in the workplace. In addition, studies have shown that practicing kindness can boost neurotransmitters associated with happiness, helping employees feel more at ease and able to tackle their responsibilities.

Not to mention, if you’ve ever worked in a negative environment you start to carry that energy and attitude forward into other aspects of your life. And it doesn’t feel good.

By incorporating kindness into your daily interactions, you can contribute to a healthier work environment, both mentally and emotionally. Here are some ways you can practice kindness at work:

  1. Offer to help a coworker on a challenging project.
  2. Bring in treats to share with your team.
  3. Give a genuine compliment to someone who’s done a great job.
  4. Listen actively and empathetically when a colleague shares their concerns or problems.
  5. Be patient and understanding when mistakes are made.

Remember, the benefits of kindness in the workplace are both individual and collective. By fostering a culture that values support and understanding, you help create an environment where everyone can flourish and thrive.

Reason 10: Kindness improves physical health

Did you know that being kind has a direct impact on your physical well-being? Like I’ve mentioned up above, when you practice kindness, it not only affects the recipient positively but also improves your own physical health.

Several studies have demonstrated a strong connection between acts of kindness and improved physical health. When you engage in acts of kindness, your body releases chemicals such as endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin, which help reduce stress, pain, and boost your overall mood. This natural high, also known as the “helper’s high,” contributes to an increased sense of well-being and happiness.

Engaging in kind behavior also:

  • Lowers blood pressure: The release of oxytocin in the body during acts of kindness is known to dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Lower blood pressure translates to a healthier heart and a decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Boosts immune system: Acts of kindness stimulate the release of endorphins, which are known to strengthen your immune system, keeping you healthier and more resilient to diseases.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Being kind helps alleviate stress, which is always a good thing, as stress can have harmful effects on your body. Studies have shown that those who regularly volunteer or engage in acts of kindness experience reduced cortisol levels and increased serotonin production, which works as a natural antidepressant.

To sum it up, kindness helps you;

  1. Reduces stress
  2. Lowers blood pressure
  3. Boosts immune system
  4. Alleviates chronic pain
  5. Improves mental health

So the next time you think about the importance of kindness, keep in mind the potential positive impact it can have on your physical well-being. Be kind to others and watch how your health and happiness flourish!

How can we show kindness to others?

It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day. Here are a few ways you can be kind to others;

  1. Greet others with a smile
  2. Listen attentively
  3. Offer your help even in small ways
  4. Pay compliments
  5. Be patient

Remember, practicing kindness is not just limited to your interactions with other people. You must be kind to yourself first. Treat yourself gently, give yourself grace, and you’ll find that it’s easier to extend kindness to others. By showing kindness in your everyday life, you can experience the importance of kindness firsthand and make the world a better place.

Final Thoughts

The importance of kindness in our lives, society, and world is unparalleled. Kindness creates a harmonious and compassionate world. By incorporating acts of kindness into your daily life, you contribute positively to your surroundings, your own health, and uplift those around you

You don’t have to overthink kindness either. Keep it small. Keep it simple. This will also make it easier on you to be and do kind things!

Remember to also be kind to yourself. Practicing self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-care can provide a strong foundation for extending kindness towards others.

Embrace kindness in your daily life and start creating a more compassionate world today.

importance of kindness

Elena Breese

Elena is a Boston Marathon bombing survivor and lives with post-traumatic stress disorder. Through her website, Still Blooming Me, Elena shares how she learned to embrace her trauma and mental challenges, advocate for herself, and grow from her experience. She is passionate about bringing awareness about PTSD and sharing resources that have helped her heal. Elena has contributed to various blogs, podcasts, and speaks publicly.

Elena is a dedicated wife and mother. Her family lives in Phoenix, Arizona.


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